пятница, 31 августа 2012 г.

Solar Panel Safety Precautions

Saying that the various news reports, solar panel system, and was responsible for the fire of at least two in the state house of NSW. However, detailed investigation shows that the fire was caused by faulty wiring and not from factory defects of the panel itself. Fire, the investigation of that they should not be condemned at the time of installation, was caused by human error, to pinpoint clearly the solar system itself.
Sydney's fault, it indicates that the system itself was due to no DC circuit breaker In addition, as a result of further investigation. A wide range of fair trade audit department says the same thing if they had been reinforced by the sun along with the professional electrician.
In response to the rise of public concern about safety, the federal government of Australia, the sun has started a nationwide audit to evaluate the system for both residential and commercial system. Audit, we will is done on a regular basis to ensure the safety of all green house. Audit is to evaluate all the components of the system, to check any potential danger from the solar panel itself to the length of the wiring and the inverter.
Clean Energy Council of Australia, state media have put the chief executive officer of their (CEO) Matthew Warren was very low that it is a risk to the safety of the solar system and solar household.
Committee (STA), the fair has been backed up by audit risk from incorrect installation of the DC circuit breaker is very low it was confirmed that certified risk assessment by an independent advisory panel experts industrys and, standards, training and transaction was carried out by the Agency.
DC circuit breaker is used as a separation device to separate not only (to connect the panel to the inverter) solar cable, disconnect the solar panel from the inverter from the PV panel. Because there is only one way solar power to the inverter, the DC circuit breaker, under any circumstances, does not work with the load from the solar cell module.
DC circuit breaker is the only scenario is thereby able to present any risk attached properly, and therefore where to turn off the DC breaker between the inverter manually by the people to have to operate at full power . Probability of the case will be considered to be very low even under these circumstances.
Shutdown procedure has been done correctly, or if AC power is turned off first, and the inverter is turned off, from solar panels, current will be deleted. This also is wired incorrectly it will not be presenting any risk of having a circuit breaker DC.
STA advice from the Committee, the risk of head of household is a maximum of reasons why you might want to run so far. Make sure that you manually shut off the system do not have them, become them.
Reminded the public to deal only with manufacturers and installers of solar panels that are qualified clean energy is also Council of Australia, as shown in the public list. The list is available to the public via their website, contains all the installer and solar cell manufacturers has been approved in Australia.
Apart from doing this, there are additional safety precautions some of the other you can do;
Before you install, it is your current electrical wiring, it first checks along with the circuit breaker is the best.
Your installer, before they start, you will arrive when you ask to see their identification and certification number.
You can do a visual inspection of the system in order to ensure that all look good for when the delivery of the panel and its components.
Before leaving the installer, everything to make sure that the wiring neat and tidy look to the particular, please check your installation.
The installer also, you must indicate the correct shutdown procedure when there is a need to explain how everything works on your system you obviously, you have to do so.
Although it is the job of the installer for doing, to identify potential problems, on your part, you will identify three times the power. Please keep in mind that prevention is always better than treatment!

1 комментарий:

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